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What we stand for and support

Morning Run

Streets are for People

We want London's roads to be safe for pedestrians and cyclists and for children to be able to walk and cycle to school in safety.

Rush Hour

Public Transport

A network of such quality that it will attract an increasing percentage of journeys to be made using this mode rather than by car or private hire vehicle. The network needs good coverage and to be safe, speedy and more accessible. Reducing the need to travel.

Film Clapboard

Road user

Road user pricing that funds improved public transport and reduces congestion and pollution from the tyre - road surface. Internal combustion to electric power is good / to be encouraged but there must also be modal shift so cars are less dominant, leading to a reduction in congestion, particulate matter pollution and injuries and deaths.

Crane Construction

Freight Transport & Deliveries

Use of rail and water to be maximised. Local deliveries to be made by electric vehicles or cargo bikes with some sharing of 'last mile' deliveries to minimise journeys.

Schemes we support/oppose

We can always envisage more improvements than can be afforded, but we only support Improvement projects with a high benefit/cost (If only because it offers such poor return on investment, we are totally opposed to the HS2 venture).


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